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Tis fun

Space Shooty blast bast Gameplay

Its very cool seeing people play my game, never thought I would see a youtube video even.

Played once, like the concept, but trouble having fun. Mainly because the aiming is really hard. A reticle would help. Also, choosing upgrades was unclear for me, which does what? And what does the text (e.g. "20% score" mean? What doe the upgrades themselves mean?

the game was made with the idea in mind to keep it small and fast (even tho it took almost a year to develop xD), so its definitely a bit rough around the edges. As for how upgrades work, maybe I'll add it to the description how they work, but basically you can chose between a weapon and score +20%, weapons stack meaning if you click boomerang twice for example you'll get 2 boomerangs at once or half the time inbetween boomerang throw.

Thanks for the reply, it's not necessarily badly made, far from even, it just lacks a few things, especially the aiming, that make it a bit less fun to play (for me). But, it all works well, so nice job! Wasn't my intention to talk it down or anything :-)